Bus Services
Daily Bus Service
Students living outside the one and one-half mile distance from the school are provided with free bus service. Students who live less than one and one-half miles from school as measured by the shortest automobile route, have an option to pay an annual fee to ride the school bus.
Student ID cards serve as your student bus pass. Students will have a bus icon on their ID card to indicate that they are eligible to ride the bus. For your child’s safety, I.D. cards are checked daily to ride the bus. A student is not allowed to ride the bus if they do not have their student ID card.
Student riders are expected to exhibit good behavior at all times on school buses and at boarding points. Regular school disciplinary guidelines and policy that apply to school bus riders can be found in the student handbook. Students will be removed and/or not allowed to ride the bus if school rules are not followed. Students will be suspended from riding the bus if they are caught smoking. If a student causes damage to a bus and report is made to the school, the student and their parents will be responsible to cover the cost of the damage and could be referred to the court system for further action.
AM Pick-Up Routes:
Bus routes are outlined in the annual schedule. The bus company makes every effort to be prompt and on time. Students should be at their corner at least 10 minutes prior to arrival times. If the bus is late a call should be made to the Assistant Principal’s office at 847-626-2521.
PM Return Routes:
Buses begin loading after school in the south lot. Some routes require two buses and the second bus will begin loading immediately following the release of the first bus. The PM routes are identified with the same number as the AM routes. Buses leave the school at 3:40 pm.
Late Start Bus Service: all bus routes begin at 8:45 am.
Bus Route Schedule
Activity Bus Service
Students participating in extracurricular activities are eligible to use the “Activity Bus”. There are two Activity Bus runs after school, 5:15 pm and 6:15 pm. The Activity Bus runs a consolidated bus route as we do not provide door to door service. Drop off can be as much as six blocks from the student’s home. If you have any questions regarding bus service, please contact the Assistant Principal of the attending school.